Last blog I discussed the numbers of Facebook. The numbers of Google are next. Because there are so many numbers, we are going to break it up into two blogs.
Today we will discuss the 3 most important numbers on Google that I believe everyone needs to keep track of on a regular basis.
-This tells you how many times your ads are shown.
-If people aren’t seeing your ad, it isn’t doing anything, so you are wasting money.
-This number is determined by the type of ad you are running.
-If you are running a search ad, you can expect anywhere between 500-3000 views per month. If you are running a display ad, you can reach 500,000+ views per month.
-The number of times your ads got clicked. This number includes the people that clicked to your website & the people that called.
-This tells you if your ads are working.
-This number varies, not only because of your monthly spend, but also because of the cost per click. If the cost per click is high in your area and you have a little budget, you may run out of money early in the day, which will shut off your ads making you miss potential clicks & calls.
-This is how much you are spending on your ads.
-Besides the obvious reason for looking at this number, your budget, it also tells you if your ads are working.
-If you are spending a bunch but getting little results, it’s a sign that something is wrong and that your ads need attention!
That’s all I have for today. My offer always stands. If you want to make sure your numbers are where they should be, reach out.