Our Team

You get more than big promises & fancy degrees.

With our team you get honest, hard working people that want to help you grow your business.

We don’t have an office so we can keep our over head low and we keep our prices low so that we can help more entrepreneurs.

Our Founder

Lisa Hilferty has always loved helping people. She was asked by her parents to post on Facebook for their business and she instantly fell in love. 7 years later, she is now living her best life by helping her parents & other entrepreneurs like them, grow their business by spreading their name online.

At The Beginning

When Lisa started Buzz Online (formerly Your Social Marketing Assistant), she already had 2 jobs and a daughter so she needed help behind the scenes.  Her good friend, Sue Ramold stepped right in.  Many years later, Sue is still helping with everything behind the scenes from proofreading to scheduling posts.

Our "Behind The Scenes" O. G.

Sue Ramold has been Lisa’s co-worker for over 15 years.  She’s a mother of one, grandmother of 2, and has 2 cats.  Her attention to detail and grammar skills make Sue an excellent addition to the SMA team.

We Are Family

Once Lisa realized the need for online help was bigger than she thought, she decided to get some help.  When thinking about the qualifications needed for the perfect team, she realized she knew the perfect people to help, her sister & brother-in-law.

Social Media Manager

Amy Turner is not only a sister, a wife and mother of 2 girls, she has talent when dealing with social media and an eye for design.  She’s reliable, knowledgeable, & very creative, everything that is needed to be an excellent social media manager.

Video Content Manager

Michael Turner, husband of Amy, brother-in-law, and father of 2 girls, studied video production in college.  His attention to detail and creativity is exactly what makes his videos one of a kind.

Our Clients Are Family

When you let us handle your online advertising, you become family. We don’t make any big promises like other advertising firms. We provide honest numbers and proof that what we do works and spend your money as if it’s our own.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level, request a free consultation.  We will have it growing in no time.