Too busy to advertise? Think again! Nothing lasts forever so slowing down or cutting back on your advertising during the busy times could really hurt you during the slow ones. Here are a few reasons why.
Consumers have short-term memories. – People will remember your ads when they see them, but how memorable are they? If people stop seeing your ads, they will forget you are around.
Your competition is watching. – If your competitor sees that you are cutting down on ads, they will step up their game and take your spot. Once you lose competitor share in advertising, it’s hard to catch back up.
You have the extra money. – When money is coming in, you should invest it back into the business. What better way to do that then investing in your future. Consistently advertising year-round will help reduce the slow times.
Advertising takes time. – Google’s algorithm takes 2-3 weeks to take full effect. If you start advertising during the slow times, it will take time you don’t have to get results. Start your campaign now and it will be in full force when the slow times come again.
If you’re too busy to advertise, now is the time to let Buzz help your business grow. Request a FREE consultation for more information today!