Welcome to another installment of ‘Advertising Made Easy’ with Buzz Online 

Today we’re going to talk about the numbers of Facebook. After 8 years of running and studying Facebook ads, I feel that if you know these numbers, you will be able to make educated decisions about your Facebook ads.   


-The number of people that saw the ad. (Unique views) 

-Keep track of your Reach to make sure enough people are seeing the ad.   

-I’ve found that at $1 per day your reach should be no less than 100 people.  If you are getting less than that, you need to change the ad. 

Impression – 

-How many times those people saw the ad.  

-Watch Impressions to make sure people are seeing your ads enough.   

-Ideally, we want each person to see the ad 2-5 times so they will remember it, However, if they see it too many times, they start ignoring the ad which isn’t good either. 

Engagements –  

-How many times a person clicked on the image, liked, commented, and/or shared the ad. 

-Engagements tell us how well the people responded to your content.   

-The more people engage with your ads/page the more likely they are to remember you so if people aren’t engaging with the ads, you will want to change things up. 

Link Clicks – 

-How many people clicked on the button on the ad. 

-Link clicks tell us how well the ad did.   

-If you receive a lot of clicks, then you may want to run the ad again.   

-If you didn’t receive any clicks, you know that something needs adjusted.  

Total Spent – 

-How much you spend on the ad.  

-Total spend is a no brainer when it comes to your budget, but people forget that you can tell a lot by keeping track of how much each ad costs.   

-By spending the same amount of money on different types of ads, you will be able to see which one gets you a better results & put more money towards it.

That’s all I have for today.  If you have any questions or want something explained, please feel free to reach out.