On today’s edition of ‘Advertising Made Easy’ we are going to talk about Impression ads.

As I mentioned before, Impression ads are created to remind people that you are here, when they need you. They are ran on the social media platforms & on Google as display ads. Here are a few things you need to know before you start running them for your business.


~ You will reach a lot of people. – The platforms show the ad to as many potential customers as often as possible.

~ They are cheap. – Facebook ads cost as little as $1 per day for about 100 views & Google Display ads cost less than that.

~ They are everywhere. –  Impression ads show on social media platforms as well as on websites you choose.


~ Results aren’t instant. – You will NOT see instant results because they are focused on people that will need your service in the future.

~ You need content & lots of it. – With these ads you need good content that is eye catching or it will blend in with all of the other ads. You also need to change it on a regular basis because if people see your ad too often, they will start ignoring it.

When it comes down to it, when ran correctly impression ads are the best way to spread your business’s name far and wide & should we ran year round to make sure people don’t forget you are here for them when they need you.

That’s all I have for today. Make sure to keep an eye out for next week’s blog. We will discuss the pros & cons of search ads! (I know, super exciting stuff!😉)